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Bring creatOrs 

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We are convinced that there are many creators on all relevant social media platforms who take the following quote seriously:

"With great influence comes great responsibility."

On issues like the death of George Floyd, they consciously use their reach to campaign against racism. We want to attract creators with these values to our campaigns and give their followers the opportunity to realize great projects.

Our goal is to attract many creators per project/campaign to create a multiplier effect to maximise the success of the campaign.


The campaign process is always the same: before the campaign, each creator chooses their own code to allocate donations. Then they are asked to upload a 100% creative free content piece on their social media channels on a certain date, in which they present the project and call for donations via SMS. A ranking on our website then transparently lists the creators who have collected the most donations. This ranking is updated daily.




As soon as the donation target is reached, the Christian Liebig Foundation, together with us and the Ministry of Education in Malawi, will go in search of a location where the greatest need exists. Afterwards, the land is bought by the Malawian state. The Christian Liebig Foundation then commissions a construction company, with whom they have already realized many other projects, to build the buildings on the site.
After completion of the construction, everything is ceremoniously handed over to the community. The Christian Liebig Foundation guarantees a serious operation. For 20 years, all their projects have still been in operation today!

Have a say in the campaign

It is possible to individualize the projects to a certain degree.
As an example, in our last project, pictures with a mixture of Malawian motifs and the characters of the Youtuber Arazhul were painted on the walls of the new classrooms. Of course, nothing can be guaranteed and every customization must be decided in accordance with the local people.

Once the fundraising target is reached, large donors have the option of an on-site visit. 

There they get a first-hand impression of the impact of their collected donations, which they can share with their followers.


A unique and fulfilling experience! 


Our partners


Christian Liebig Foundation

The Christian Liebig Foundation is our local partner organization and will build our schools. It has already built 22 schools in Malawi since 2003 and is under the patronage of UNESCO eV.

The organization is our provider of innovative and secure SMS donation infrastructure, which securely transmits over €12,000,000 in donations to social organizations every year.

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Our promise


Not a dime
flows to us


We take care of everything

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We only work with reputable partners

In order to fulfil our role responsibly, 100% of the donations we receive go to the projectsNot a single cent goes to us, to cover administrative expensesmarketing costs, etc.

Apart from the call for donation on the creator's social media accounts, we take care of all aspects of the campaign. That means, for example, constant contact to the partner organization, convincing other creators, providing a secure donation infrastructure, etc.

In terms of our own integrity, we are committed to working only with organizations that have a reputableefficient and  successful history and record of work.

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Bank account

Donations via SMS

IBAN: DE613304 0001 0590 5799 00

Commerzbank Wuppertal


1.  Write a SMS at 81190

2. Write "LBAS" as code word

3. Write "GIB3" or "GIB9",

to donate about 3€ or 9€ 

4. send the SMS and donate

LetsBuildASchool eV

The LetsBuildASchool eV is registered as a non-profit organization at the district court of Wuppertal (association register number: 31248) and is tax-deductible according to § 52 paragraph 2 AO under the tax number (135/5793/2871).

© 2023 LetsBuildASchool e.V.

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