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schenke eine selbstbestimmte

schenke einem mädchen ein sicheres Lern- und lebensumfeld in einem mädchenwohnheim für eine unabhänige zukunft durch bildung

meet Madaliso...


...Madaliso is 13 years old and lives in the village of Guwenda in Malawi. Like many 13-year-old girls in Germany, she usually has no energy for school. Only in Madaliso's case, it's not because of boring subjects or double-digit screen time, but because her school is 10 kilometers away from her village. She has to get up at 4:30 every morning and walk for hours in the dark to school. School starts at 7 a.m., but she's always late. Just the thought of the long walk takes all her energy away, and by the time she arrives at school, she is so exhausted that she can barely concentrate on the lessons. This is the reality for thousands of girls in Malawi, and they are among the lucky ones. In Malawi, only 2% of girls from poor backgrounds complete secondary school (UNICEF, 2019).

Like many parents in Malawi, Madaliso's parents are considering stopping their daughter from going to school. It is very dangerous for a 13-year-old girl to walk for hours to school in the dark. Horror stories about girls being kidnapped and assaulted are almost commonplace. In addition, a traditional and uneducated role model of girls is very widespread. More than 50% of girls are married before the age of 18, and 9% even before the age of 15 (UNICEF, 2020).

Madaliso is determined to escape from this role model. Her two cousins show her what her future could look like. Tadala was raped on her way to school when she was 14 (20% of all girls in Malawi experience sexual abuse before the age of 18 (UNICEF, 2020)) and has not attended school since. She married on her 16th birthday and had three children by age 19 (29% of all girls become pregnant before the age of 18 (UNICEF, 2020)). For the rest of her life, she will lead a dependent life with no prospects for the future.

Madaliso's other cousin Yankho is the complete opposite and her biggest role model. She was lucky enough to get an incredibly coveted spot in a girls' dorm right next to her school when she was 12. Since then, she has shared a room with three girls who became her second family, and is one of the best in her year. Due to her particularly good grades in her final exams, she received a scholarship to study medicine and is the first from her village to study at a university!


Madaliso dreams of following in Yankho's footsteps to have an independent and self-determined future that will inspire other girls from her village!

our plan


To help girls like Madaliso fulfill their dream, we want to build a girls' hostel in Malawi together with the Christian Liebig Foundation. A girls' hostel consists of dormitories, bathrooms and a cooking area. The minimum price for a girls' hostel is XXXX. There is no upper limit! 

The girls' hostel will be built in the Blantyre region in southern Malawi, because the Christian Liebig Foundation has already built several schools there and has close local networks. When the girls' hostel opens, it will be handed over to the local community so that they feel responsible for it. Thanks to this sustainable strategy, no school or girls' hostel of the Christian Liebig Foundation has been closed in more than 20 years.



Education in Malawi

The quality of schooling is very poor, and about 20 percent of girls and boys cannot attend elementary school. More than one-third of the adult population lacks basic skills in reading and writing. 


sustainable concept

We will not build an expensive private school/hostel. The Christian Liebig Foundation is in close contact with the Ministry of Education in Malawi. Together they choose a location, build the school and hand it over to the community. In addition, on-site visits ensure that the school/hostel will still exist in 10 years   and will give many children a perspective.

why malawi ?

Malawi is ranked 174 out of 189 in the Human Development Index. By comparison, Germany is ranked 6th, Syria, a country in civil war, is 151st and Yemen, where there is massive famine, is 179th. This shows, how great the need is and why it is imperative that we  act.


Where in Malawi to build?

Our partner organization, the Christian Liebig Foundation, is very well connected in the country. In the south of the country in the region around Blantyre, they have already built 8 schools and have strong connections to local contractors. Therefore, we will build our schools/hostels in this region as well.



Get in touch with us


Thanks very much!

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